We are very proud to announce that 150,000,000 frames have been rendered on SheepIt Renderfarm!
Since everyone involved with SheepIt is doing it in their spare time, events like this are really heartwarming!
Here are some stats for the stats lovers out there:
* 1474 years of cumulated render time
* 297,000 projects created
In 2020, more and more users have joined SheepIt, and a lot more project have been created, which you can see on this chart.
The first \"community event\" was in 2013, celebrating 200,000 rendered frames. Back then, it took us two years to reach that milestone. These days, we render that many frames in 48hrs!
Our next areas for improvement are bringing the client to the Microsoft Store (See this Call for Help) and improving the SheepIt Network in the US and Asia. If you’re willing to host a project mirror in these regions for us and/or have a server that meets the requirements, let us know!
Everyone who has their machine connected is the reason why we are motivated to keep working on Sheepit.
We would also like to thank Karl, who agreed to share his frame. The image is a still of an upcoming video, on his youtube channel.
To thank everyone who has made this possible, a 2,000 point gift will be given to anyone who renders a frame over the next few days (offer ends Monday, November 23rd at 00:00 UTC+0).
Blender 4.2 is available!July 18th, 2024
Split of CPU and GPU ratingMay 24th, 2023
Blender 2.93 available!June 2nd, 2021
Blender 2.91 available!November 26th, 2020
Help wanted!October 8th, 2020
Blender 2.72b available!October 6th, 2014
Blender 2.71 available!June 26th, 2014
1 million rendered frames!May 11th, 2014
Blender 2.70a available!March 21st, 2014
500,000 rendered frames!February 6th, 2014
200,000 rendered frames!November 12th, 2013
Blender 2.69 available!October 31st, 2013
Support of single frameSeptember 17th, 2013
Blender 2.68a available!July 24th, 2013
GPU supportedMay 27th, 2013
Cumulated render time record broken!May 9th, 2013
Blender 2.67 available!May 7th, 2013
Blender 2.66a available!May 6th, 2013
Blender 2.65 available!December 10th, 2012